EDITION 3 | June 2020
Hello Alumni and friends and welcome back for the 3rd edition of Digital Distinction Magazine from the virtual offices of your CBU Alumni team. We hope this edition finds you and your family well. Here in Nova Scotia, some of the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted and we are beginning to see reopening of our province. While still adhering to public health protocols, Alumni are now beginning to visit with family and friends again, dine at restaurants, return to gyms and visit the salon. While it has been uplifting, there is still work to do. There is also much work to do in speaking up, listening and becoming allies with groups who are suffering injustices and racism at this time in our history. As an Alumni family with members all over the world, we have a powerful voice, collectively and individually, to help draw attention to the issues facing our Alumni and their families. Cultural awareness training, supporting students of minority groups through scholarships and bursaries and sharing stories of Alumni success from around the world are some ways we are supporting all members of our Alumni family. From the team at the Development and Alumni office, we hope you enjoy reading this edition and learning about members of the Alumni family from around the world. We are in this together and we will be.. Always Orange.
Stephanie MacDougall Distinction Coordinator